March Letter from Morag

It has been a while since I posted on the dovelight blog.

My intention is to post at least once or maybe twice a month moving forward.

And more postings will be offered by our counsellors and therapists here on subjects that are both informative and helpful.


After two years of upheaval with Covid, we now find ourselves thrown into another stressful and distressing situation with recent events in Ukraine.

Just after we were beginning to emerge hopefully and regain some sense of control in our lives, we are confronted with another challenging situation which can create more confusion and fear.

 How do we sit and be in the world with ever- changing events that feel negative?

And as a backdrop there is the progressive stress of our impact on the planet.

It too is a source of angst to many people.

We are living our lives in 2022.

These are the circumstances we find ourselves in.

Such events have happened throughout history yet people have moved through situations that have felt life-threatening before.

We also have that strength and the ability to have hope and faith.

Yet here and now, what we long for is balance, stability and peace. And peace of mind.

And if external events are preventing this we need to address our anxieties individually and in ways that work for us as individuals.


There are many ways we can help ourselves to keep balanced and also more buoyant:

 ~Any kind of physical exercise

~Walking in Nature is calming and healing

~Singing or dancing

~Breathwork or/and meditation

~Eating good food and taking the time to enjoy it

~Doing pleasurable activities on your own or with friends


~Making time for some fun

~Be busy in a positive (not exhausting ) way


~Slowing down

~Watching an uplifting film

~Avoid avid news monitoring

~See a counsellor or a therapist to support you


A few, or several of these can really support you. Taking this time for you is vital for your overall wellbeing.

Creating a different routine with a positive focus can be life-changing and really help to reduce or dispel anxiety and depression.

Be kind to yourself.

Be compassionate towards others, but firstly to yourself.

This is your life. Your time.

Take it in both hands and live it as fully and with as many joyful moments as possible.


Last night a blackbird sang at dusk outside my window.

It sang so loudly in celebration of just being alive.

The blackbird is also a sign of new beginnings.


We will have our new beginning. A change in energy and circumstance.

But our lives are here and now and we owe it to ourselves to enjoy that life as best we can whatever  is happening  around us.


Take good care,

Warm wishes,


dovelight wellbeing