6 Ways to Get Unstuck

Tell me, how do I get…unstuck? 

I hear you! Everyone gets ground-down or stagnant. Sometimes it feels like you are literally glued to a situation, addiction or negative pattern at some time in your life, agreed? It can happen to all of us.  

You are not alone, whether it be fear, depression, low self-esteem, a negative mindset, an addiction to sugar, a substance or a pill...it can seem impossible to un-stick yourself from it, right?  

Help is at hand. Here are 6 steps to help you get unstuck. 


1. Find some time just for you to check in with yourself, where nothing will disturb or distract you. Plan a time for this where you will simply rest, breathe consciously and still your mind. Be aware of thoughts that flow from your conscious but also of any feelings or insights that come from a deeper place within. Prior to this meditation, you may wish to ask yourself a question related to feeling stuck and notice what comes up.... there may be messages about new routes and approaches you can take. 

  2. In this quiet frame of mind, sit and begin to think on any challenges you are facing and any goals you have. List them in a journal and use free-flow writing to help identify any obstacles or beliefs. Journalling is a powerful way to explore our thoughts and emotions. In addition, by getting everything down on paper, somehow challenges and goals don’t seem to be as un-surmountable. It is said you are 42% more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down! Pretty amazing. 

3.Prepare a realistic and measurable plan of action for yourself. Break up a large goal into smaller goals with a clear timeline. While doing this, also consider ways in which you can get unstuck not just in your mind but physically. Reduce your sugar intake to avoid energy slumps. How can you get moving to boost your energy and motivation? Step outside and go for a jog or a brisk walk. Increase your energy level at home with stretching exercises, doing an online workout or dancing around to your favourite song. I use my mini trampoline. I love it. I feel so energised afterwards.  


4.Visualisation is another powerful tool to motivate us into action. Visualise not only the end goal but the steps you will take to get there and the behaviours you will adopt. As you imagine your timeline to success and tackling any obstacles, connect to your heart energy and feelings of joy and gratitude. Feel into the sense of achievement at accomplishing each large and small goal. 


5.Celebrate your victories. Have something planned for the moment you successfully create a new behaviour, reach a milestone or achieve your goal. A dinner date, a trip away, or even consider a gratitude gem. Pick up a rose quartz crystal and use it as an anchor for your success. Every time you hold it, think of how far you have come or worked through and feel gratitude for yourself. It’s a beautiful tool.   


6.If you feel like you need further support from a professional to find clarity in your life and move forward, life coaching can help. How can Love – LIFE Coaching with me re-empower you and what does it involve?  

~It will help you to pause and give you a space to just be, breathe and be present.  

~It will help you to identify your values and what you want for your life 

~It will help you to review and name any past events that may be currently impacting you 

~You will have a safe space to share any key pivotal moments in your own timeline. Doing this will help you to find clarity and any lightbulb moments on the root cause of a challenge you may face today. 

~You will enter into an agreement with me where achievable, time-framed, mini and landmark goals are set and worked towards.   

~I will draw on my range of healing modalities to tailor the session to you. Mirror, timeline, regression, forward projection, visualisation meditation, breathwork through a variety of models including Clinical Hypnotherapy, NLP, Life Coaching and Meditation will bring you back to the true you, the centred, balanced and joyful person you truly are. 


Carol is a multi-talented therapist at dovelight with a deep passion for energetic healing work and supporting others. She offers Life Coaching, Reiki Light Healing, Clinical Hypnotherapy, mindfulness sessions, sound bath journeys and created a Rainbow Path meditation series in 2004. Her many interests in life include music, art, travelling and being in nature. 

dovelight wellbeing