7 Ways to Improve Your Wellbeing in Spring

As the Spring cycle begins and new life blossoms all around us, there is a feeling in the air that this is a time where positive change is possible and new challenges can be met. This is the perfect time to channel this fresh energy around you and focus it into improving your wellbeing!

Here are some tips to get you started:

1 Get Out into Nature

Whether it’s a gentle stroll through the park or wild swimming, Spring is a great time to get out and reconnect with nature. Being out in the natural world can have a hugely beneficial impact on your mental health and wellbeing, creating feelings of calmness, joy, and creativity. It can also improve your concentration and focus, and lowers your stress. Grab a blanket and a book and get out there and enjoy nature!

2 Eat Healthy Food

When it’s cold outside, all you want is comfort food, but the warmer weather means there are fantastic options for in-season, nutritious fruits and vegetables. Warm weather produce like mushrooms, bell peppers, courgettes, and berries, are all packed with micronutrients the body needs and thrives on. Go to your local Farmer’s Market and see what’s on offer.

4 Get Active

The longer days should make you feel more energised and ready to get moving! You don’t need to join a gym or commit to intensive exercise regimes. Simply taking a brisk walk to the shop instead of driving or spend some time doing some light gardening.

5 Reset Your Sleep Pattern

If the short, dark days of Winter have thrown off your sleep pattern, use Spring as a reset. Move your bedtime earlier, even just 10 minutes, and avoid screen time, food and alcohol before bed. Remember a good night’s rest is vital to your wellbeing!

6 Prepare for Allergies

Many of us suffer from allergies like hayfever during Spring, but there are steps you can take to mitigate the effects. Make sure you’re getting plenty of Vitamin C and other immune-boosting nutrients. Raw honey can also really help. Make sure you source it from local beekeepers as the honey will be made from the pollen of the plants in your area.

7 Book a Session with Us

At dovelight, we offer a variety of counselling and therapies to help improve your wellbeing. Whether you’ve been thinking you need a massage, want to address some issues in your life, or simply have always wanted to try something like Reiki, Reflexology or The Alexander Technique, contact us and we’ll be happy to help.

dovelight wellbeing