Autumn Letter from Morag

Hello everyone,

We are now in the midst of Autumn. Leaves are beginning to fall, and the days are cooler. There is still light and heat from an autumn sun. And the full moons look different in the deepening blue/black of the sky.

Right now, I have an awareness of colours which reflect the season. Wearing yellows, oranges, raspberrys, greens, and browns I somehow find connection and being in tune if you like. As always walking in Nature is the best experience of connecting with tranquillity, creating that balance of body, mind, and spirit.

My apologies for not writing before now. I have been very delayed with some unexpected events. A happy event this year was the birth of my first grandson, Arlo. He is just delightful and his joy at being in the world has lit up everyone around him. A new baby always brings special gifts to the world.

Since my last blog we all have been undergoing more changes. With strikes and great demands for money from organisations and companies, and global events generally, we have been thrown back again into a climate of uncertainty, frustration and often anxiety. Chronic stress is affecting many people. And if on a personal level you are dealing with or managing other issues such as bereavement or depression, then you could be struggling.

People are choosing when possible to go on holiday – some to relax, some for fun and some to escape – but we always come back to facing what we face. Often experiencing then a sense of disquietude and of unchanging situations.

Having faith can be difficult – that things will change, and ultimately for the better. There is now climate grief: the sense of a disappearing world and the experiencing of a state of powerlessness, even sadness.

However, there is choice in our everyday and there is hope. With disillusion and a growing fear of trusting others to shape our lives, we come back to ourselves. Empowering ourselves where we can and trusting ourselves is to move forward, even if we feel it may not always be the path of others.

If you are struggling, of course dovelight can help. We have many professionals working at dovelight who can and will support you during difficult times. But there are other ways too to keep well and have a more fulfilled life.

Some would be:

·         Keep connecting and spending time with others. Those people, who you have a healthy, positive relationship with. Community activities are rewarding and healthy too.

·         Eat the right foods. Look at the level of nutrition in your present diet and have the confidence to make adjustments. Don’t overstretch and change everything at once. For example, if you buy pre-prepared food often, try to cook more. If you have three glasses of beer or wine a day slipping to two or less may be helpful.

·         Exercise every day in whatever way is right for you. Fresh air and exercise are best; even half an hour walking. Cycling and swimming are good and gym time too. But try not to exercise excessively. This is about balance. Listen to your own body.

·         Take time for yourself. Rest as well as play.  Meditate perhaps for 10 or 15 minutes before bed each day. Breathwork can also be very beneficial. Some people prefer to breathe or mediate to begin the day. And a good sleep is healing and healthy and it will really support you for the next day. If you are unsure of how to meditate, use a single flower or a tea light to focus on. Meditation can be transformative over time.

·         Ignite your passion and motivation. Take up a new hobby or start a class in something you have always loved eg. singing or dancing or art. Being creative stretches your mind and gives joy.


All of these suggestions can support you on a daily basis. Bringing in and developing new ideas, a new routine or even changes in areas of your life which are needed, can promote true wellbeing, and balance and help you feel contented or move forward or both. Your own free and independent choices are vital. Yet, if you need support from others, ask or be drawn to individuals or organisations who can help. Your life may seem not quite in your own hands sometimes, but in many ways, it is or can be. Make plans but live as fruitfully and fully in the moment as you can.

Have a great Autumn.

Warmly, Morag


dovelight wellbeing