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Person-Centred Counselling


Person-centred Counselling is a humanistic approach founded in the 1940s by American psychologist Carl Rogers. He believed that “given the right conditions, a person can reach their full potential and become their true self” and that this is possible for everyone.

At its core, this counselling modality  enables a person to make their own choices and come to their own understanding of themselves and the world around them. It is also often likened to the growth of a seed and subsequent plant or flower. Given the right conditions i.e. water and sunlight, the seed will flourish and reach its full potential.

A Person-centred counsellor allows a client to flourish and expand in an atmosphere of mutual trust and brings the three foundations of this therapy into their work with you; unconditional positive regard, congruence and empathy. This means they will accept and value you, be honest and transparent and see your viewpoint as if they were in your shoes.

Person-centred counselling can support growth and fulfilment,  help reduce anxiety and depression, increase self-esteem and enhance a client’s self-understanding and their relationships with others.


Cecilia Tymkewycz-Fife

Cecilia is a qualified Person-centred counsellor who credits strong relationships and listening with acceptance and non-judgement to her success with clients. A calm and down to earth person, she creates a warm, confidential, and safe space and has experience working with a range of diverse people. In her spare time she loves skiing, hiking in the hills, pottering in the garden and relaxing with her cats Basil and Vera among many other things.

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Nancy Williams-Foley

Nancy is a registered, qualified professional with extensive experience of working therapeutically with individuals and groups. She works with you in a gentle and collaborative way, helping you to explore the link between physical and emotional wellness so you can achieve a greater understanding of your individual needs and trust in your own ability to create lasting change so that you can live your most authentic and empowered life.

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