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Myofascial Release


Myofascial Release is a form of massage therapy that focuses on the fascia, the thin, tough, elastic connective tissue that runs throughout your body. Fascia covers most structures inside the body, including the muscles, where it supports and protects them.

Restrictions in your fascia can lead to long term pain, tension, and postural problems. These restrictions can be caused by injury, emotional trauma, surgery, scar tissue, or misalignments. MFR works to release these restrictions by relaxing contracted muscles, improving blood and lymphatic circulation, and stimulating the stretch reflex in muscles. During your treatment, we will work to release your fascial restrictions, restore health to your tissues, freedom of movement to your joints, and vitality back to your life.

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Kristina Hanson

Kristina is a woman’s wellness yoga therapist, Massage and MFR therapist. She specializes in pregnancy and post-natal clients, working in a trauma-sensitive way throughout her bodywork and yoga sessions. In her work, Kristina is led by a meditative approach with playful enquiry, being present in the moment and flow. Kristina is an artist who enjoys wild swimming and spending time in nature

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