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Body-oriented Psychotherapy


Body-oriented psychotherapy is a modality that places an emphasis on information that the body holds and can reveal about our thoughts and emotions. A therapy session would be conducted in a similar way to other talking therapies but more attention given to the body’s own reaction to any enquiry.  

As an example, a client might wish to believe and communicate ‘I’m fine’, ‘’I’m coping ‘, but a clenched fist, or a tense throat, or a knotted stomach, have a different experience to relate. By paying attention to these body cues, it is often possible to gain access to the hurt and pain that has long been suppressed or ignored.

This form of psychotherapy can provide a valuable approach for those who find it difficult to verbalise their feelings. especially when there is associated shame. Also it can provide a safe route for processing traumatic experiences. By removing the need to tell a trauma history in detail, it reduces the chance of re-traumatisation. 

Our body-oriented therapist aims to hold a caring, compassionate space whereby developing a mindful awareness of the body and the breath, deeply held wounds such as those developed after early childhood abuse and traumatic experiences leading to PTSD, can be explored in a safe, non- threatening manner.


Neil Howell

Neil is a Body-Oriented Psychotherapist who specialises in early childhood abuse, anxiety disorders, panic attacks, PTSD, and complex trauma. He is a member of Trauma Training in Scotland and has a a strong background in many healing modalities including Thai massage, Therapeutic massage, Dance Movement Psychotherapy and Sensorimotor Psychotherapy for trauma. To manage his own stress levels, he loves enjoying being active in nature, practicing his love of dance and meditating.

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