Neil Howell

Body-oriented Psychotherapy


Key areas of experience/support:

  • Anxiety/panic Attacks

  • Trauma

  • PTSD

  • Dissociation

  • Adverse childhood experiences

  • Addictions

My path to becoming a psychotherapist began with my own need to receive such help.

Possibly, in common with many men, I was somewhat blind to the emotional consequences of my own actions, but an expert at justifying them! Over time, though, I found it more and more difficult to explain the failed relationships and reluctantly had to start acknowledging my own role in the resulting distress. Even more difficult was being able to ask for help, let alone knowing where to find it.

Good fortune prevailed and at an appropriate time I encountered a therapist who ‘clicked’ with me. I further experimented with Men’s groups, Dance Therapy, and most importantly with meditation in various Thai Buddhist monasteries. This rich and varied self-exploration enabled my body, heart and mind to finally come into balance. I had discovered a softer, less judgemental, more caring and compassionate side of myself. I felt more whole.

Having gained so much for myself, I was naturally drawn to offer something in return to those seeking help for themselves. So I began a series of trainings in 1994, commencing with traditional Thai massage, Therapeutic massage, Dance Movement Psychotherapy, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy for trauma, and it continues in the present with my membership of Trauma Training in Scotland, an organisation dedicated to promoting the latest cutting edge techniques for reprocessing unresolved trauma/PTSD.  

For the past 8 years I have been working with men, specialising in early childhood abuse, anxiety disorders, panic attacks, PTSD, and complex trauma.

To manage my own stress levels with this demanding work I make full use of the natural world, whether walking up the hills, or cycling, or swimming, or quietly viewing the bird life. I also make time to practice my love of dance. And most importantly, spending time meditating, simply observing the breath.

I am now excited to be bringing this wealth of experience and expertise to men seeking support here at dovelight.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you would like a more detailed description of what I might be able to offer.