COP26 - dovelight's founder, Morag, shares her thoughts

Here at dovelight we support COP26. 

In our hands we have the future of the planet and the future of humankind. 

With that comes an amount of responsibility and commitment. 

Sadly, there are many who are still not awake to this so we need to keep trying to raise the awareness of our plight. 

And it is a plight.  Of our own creation. 

So who will be there to fix the damage we have created and stop the perpetual conscious/unconscious destruction. 

It has to be You.  And You. And You. 

And Me. 

Starting with ourselves.  Each individual effort no matter how small, can affect the whole.  

Can bring about a series of positive consequences. 

In a jigsaw of the world and the human populations supporting ways to refresh, restore and renew our planet – too many pieces are still missing. 

Our world leaders struggle to come together to the table and keep promises.  But we can. 

And that being a promise firstly to ourselves and then to each other, our world neighbours and friends. 

It needs to be a joint commitment globally; beginning with one person in every country who then becomes millions. 

We all can make a small contribution – some tiny change yet enormous if we all make that change together. 

Choose the change you want to make. 

Changing lifestyles 

Can change lives 

Can change the world. 

Let’s connect hearts and minds with a single purpose. 

Let’s fulfil our wish for a healthy, growing planet. 

Home to us all. 


~ Morag  

dovelight wellbeing