Eco-Therapy Workshop

Ecotherapy is the practice of reconnecting or connecting more fully with nature. It facilitates focused time outdoors to enhance health and wellbeing and encourages opening up a reciprocal dialogue with nature. It asks us to shift our focus to what is unfolding outside of ourselves as well as what is unfolding within ourselves.

Shifting our focus, we can look to the unfurling fern, feel the crinkling of an autumn leaf in our hand or hear the sound of falling rain. These moments can invite us into the present moment away from the spin of our thoughts and stimulate our creativity. These encounters hold the potential for deep creative expression within ourselves.

The ecotherapy sessions will provide a safe, held space for you to connect with nature in the dovelight garden. The sessions will follow a sequence of :

  • Grounding - breathing and listening meditation

  • Engaging - walking and exploring with senses

  • Responding - responsive art making

  • Reflecting - circle discussion

We will focus on art as a process, in a non-fixed, fluid way, exploring sensory drawing, nature-based storytelling and creative writing in response to the encounters we experience on the day. Each week we will explore the garden, tuning into the seasonal changes taking place from autumn through to the beginnings of winter.