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Taken from the Japanese and Chinese word-characters of "rei" (spiritual) and "ki" (vital energy), Reiki is a gentle, healing treatment which promotes relaxation and stress reduction. It can also help to relieve fatigue, any emotional issues or any feeling of being stuck in life. 

The treatment involves a practitioner lightly placing their hands over the client’s body to facilitate the healing process and restore their wellbeing. Reiki practitioners work with unseen ‘life force energy’ which will allow you to experience shifts in a subtle and beautiful way.

At dovelight we offer Reiki most commonly in our aqua room, a serene and calm space that encourages deeper relaxation for our clients.


Carol Watson

Carol is a multi-talented therapist with a deep passion for energetic healing work and supporting others. She offers Reiki, Life Coaching, Light Healing, Clinical Hypnotherapy, mindfulness sessions and sound bath journeys and created a Rainbow Path meditation series in 2004. Her many interests in life include music, art, travelling and being in nature.

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Lorraine Goodison

Lorraine’s journey as a therapist stemmed from addressing her own dealings with anxiety and depression. Her journey has been a deeply spiritual one taking her through a wide range of ancient practices and modern qualifications. She explores her creativity through dance, art, song, writing and connecting with Nature.

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