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Movement Medicine


Why move our bodies to music? Because it brings us aliveness and joy, it is a universal language of the body, a way of communicating and expressing ourselves, reconnecting with the life intelligence inside us and learning who we are.

Everyone can move their bodies to music and express themselves in this way. This practice is not about looking pretty. It’s about allowing yourself to move with your emotions, sensations, with joys of life and its difficulties.

It is a practice that brings fluidity to life by releasing that which often gets stuck and blocks our systems. It helps us to relax, play, feel free, be in the moment, and allows expression of a more aware, energised and healthy self.

At dovelight we offer 1:1 and small group session Movement Medicine.


Bernadeta Zyla

Bernadeta is a passionate Movement Medicine teacher in training and loves sharing her joy for life on the studio floor. She is a practicing DJ, fulfilling her love for music and enjoys photographing nature, wild swimming and recycling objects to give them a new life. Bernadeta is available for individual practice or small group sessions in our vibrant studio space.

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