7 Pieces of Advice from a Life Coach

I’ve always loved to absorb and analyse everything that was going on around me. Understanding how I feel, how things work, what makes other people tick, what makes me tick; and during this process I have learned many valuable lessons. Using these lessons coupled with my qualifications and extensive experience with clients in Life Coaching, I am delighted to share with you 7 lessons I have learned in the process.

1 This too shall pass

Whatever happens in your life, it has a beginning, a middle, and an ending. Everything you experience, good or bad, will eventually pass, and like Guns n’ Roses once said: “nothing lasts forever, even cold November Rain”. The important thing is understanding what phase you are at. Regardless of how bad something is going, this like everything in life it has a beginning, middle and an end therefore it is a phase: That too shall pass.

2 Don’t sweat the little things

Is it worthwhile worrying about everything? Is it worthwhile even worrying at all? Ok, so you broke a nail, or you have a flat tyre on your car. Is it the end of the world? Does it matter in the greater scheme of things? No, it doesn’t, so don’t let it give you more stress than it needs to.

3 Don’t judge or compare yourself to others

It’s hard not to judge or compare, especially in a society where we are programmed to compare, consume, and comply! The moment you are judging or comparing, you are immediately losing against who or what you’re comparing yourself to because you are spending your energy trying to become someone else. Don’t waste your energy, focus it on improving yourself instead.

4 Discipline leads to freedom

When I was younger, I thought this was nonsense. As I became older and gained self-discipline, I realised this statement is 100% true. Being disciplined means you are more organized and have more time for yourself, therefore giving you the freedom to use this time how you want to.

5 Progress, not perfection

Perfection is a construct of the mind, so aiming for perfection will only lead to disappointment. However, if you aim to progress a little every day, you’ll see improvement at a steady pace. For example, if you want to run a marathon and push yourself to the limit every day, you’ll only collect injuries, but if you run every day for 20 minutes, you will run for 140 minutes in the first week and can build on a solid foundation.

6 Be kind to yourself

Life is hard enough without you being hard on yourself. It is scientifically proven that reward is better encouragement than punishment, so be kind and nurturing, and stop punishing yourself.

7 Yes, you can!

Every day you are confronted with NO. People, society, colleagues and even partners saying that you can’t do something.

What matters is how much you believe and how much work you put into achieving what you want. The world is full of nay-sayers who will tell you that you can’t accomplish what you want or pursue what you love, and to them we say: Yes, I can!

Paulo is a qualified Life Coach, Hypnotherapist and CBT Therapist specialising in anxiety, stress, depression and confidence issues. Paulo's journey was built from his own health condition and stressful corporate background which gave him the insight and experience to be a highly empathic therapist and coach.

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